
Monday, 20 January 2014

The Logic of a Textbook!!..

1) The main purpose of this textbook is _______________________.
(Here you are trying to determine the author’s purpose for writing the textbook. What was the author trying to accomplish?)
2) The key question(s) that the author is addressing in the textbook is ___________.
(You are trying to figure out the key question that was in the mind of the author when s/he wrote the textbook, in other words, What was the key question which the textbook answers? Here, you might identity the most broad question the textbook answers, along with the most important sub questions it focuses on.)
3) The most important kinds of information in this textbook are ________________. (You want to identify the types of information the author uses in the textbook to support his/her main arguments {e.g. research results, observations, examples, experience, etc.}).
4) The main inferences/conclusions in this textbook are________________(You want to identify the most important conclusions that the author comes to and presents in the textbook. Focus on this question: What are the most important conclusions that the author presents, conclusions that, if you understand them, shed important light on key beliefs in the field).
5) The key idea(s) we need to understand in this textbook is (are)_______________. By these ideas the author means ________________________________. 
(To identify these ideas, ask yourself: What are the most important ideas that you would have to understand in order to understand the textbook? Then elaborate on precisely what the author means by these basic ideas. Begin with the most fundamental idea presented such as “science, biology, psychology, etc.” These can usually be found in the first chapter. Then identify the other significant concepts that are deeply tied into the most fundamental one).
6) The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are)_____________ (Ask yourself: What is the author taking for granted (that might be questioned)? The assumptions are sometimes generalizations that the author does not think s/he has to defend in the context of writing the textbook. The assumptions are sometimes stated in the first chapter as the key assumptions underlying the subject area).
7) a) If people take the textbook seriously, the implications are _______________.
(What consequences are likely to follow if readers take the textbook seriously? Here you are to follow out the logical implications of the information/ideas in the textbook. You should include implications that the author argues for, if you believe them to be well-founded, but you should do your best thinking to determine what you think the implications are.)
    b) If people fail to take the textbook seriously, the implications are _____________. (What consequences are likely to follow if the author’s thinking is ignored in a situation when it is relevant?)
8) The main point(s) of view presented in this article is (are)_____________________ (The main question you are trying to answer here is: What is the author looking at, and how is s/he seeing it? For example, the author might be looking at “science” and seeing it as “the most effective tool for better understanding the physical world and how it operates

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